You mean I could have been a God?
James Free
JoinedPosts by James Free
Closer to perfection
by LtCmd.Lore inthe watchtower uses this concept a lot.
the idea that humans are somehow becoming more and more imperfect as the decades go by.. they use this to justify the fact that ged required incest of adam and eve's children, and noahs children.
because, i quote: "with that information, from where would you say that cain got his wife?
Do you condemn the Society's no-blood policy and still do not DONATE BLOOD?
by nicolaou init's your decision to make.
it would be as wrong of this community to insist everyone donate blood as it is of the cult to insist otherwise.
James Free
Witness Takes Blood
by Locutus of Borg inmrs lob works in heath care admin.. last night she tells me there is an adult witness (in good standing that we knew while in) on her floor that is taking transfusions for a medical condition.
that's all i know, no name, no gender, no age, no medical condition details.
mrs lob takes hippa very seriously.
James Free
When I was a JW my (ex)wife was very ill. The specialists told us that he often treated JW's and they accepted blood. Visitors and family would be told the patient is sleeping etc during those times. We did not believe him at the time, but now, looking back, I realize he may well have been telling the truth.
Hi there!
by breakingfree ini have been coming to this site to read news and your stories for about a year now, but have never posted due to my mortal fear of somehow being found out... i have family in as most of you do, who are all very sincerely convinced that they are on the path of light.. i have never been happy with the beliefs, mainly the doublespeak on the status of women, the hypocrisy, the dramatisation of the smallest of matters, and the general guilt trip that was my life until i stumbled across some hard evidence that my suspicions about 'gods channel' were well founded.
unfortunately i am now addicted to turning over every piece of information i can find, there seems to be no end to the amount of $#*& below the surface.
i will probably remain in this state for awhile, hungrily devouring all the information that makes me feel validated for my stand against much of the mindless rubbish that has gone around me during my life as a jw.
James Free
They think all the problems in the congregation are human failings localised to our area and that overall we are Jehovah's Happy People living in Satan's World.
Welcome to JWD. Unfortunately the view expressed above is typical. When JW's read one thing in the WT and yearbook and hear happy experiences at conventions, and compare it to their own experience, they often conclude all the problems they see must be local. What they don't realize is the WT creates an idealized JW world that is not found anywhere, even in Bethel, and the experiences in the yearbooks and from the convention platform are edited and sanitized so much that they cease to be real.
For example, there was an experience of a father who had a few kids who still managed to Pioneer by reducing his working hours to a bare minimum. It was suggested the family all made sacrifices etc....what was left out was that he was a skilled tree surgeon, and made more money in one day than most made in a month. So, everyone feels guilty they are not more like brother X, when in reality he had a cozy life with time to spare. This is typical of JW false reporting.
Don't give up hope though, however old they are, they might one day see something that begins the wakeup process. -
JWs are "peddlers of the word of God"
by AuldSoul inmerriam-webster french-english dictionary .
main entry: peddler.
function: noun.
James Free
I can't see any harm for this group to go around with interesting magazines that direct people to Jesus. Praise the lord.
They don't direct people to Jesus, they direct people to the Governing Body. Yes. I am definitely feeling nauseous...
Why I'm thankful for the ministry...
by LayingLow ini was sitting here thinking about it, and i'm sure some would disagree, but....
1. the ministry exposed me to alternative interpretations to scriptures that i likely never could have gotten past.
first-born in col 1:15, meaning ruler or heir instead of first creation).
James Free
I found Jesus thank's to the Jehovahs Witnesses preaching and bible litrature. Praise the Lord.
Now if only he could find you! I think I'm going to throw up...
My Daugthers refusal to join us for secular holidays!
by KARINNJIM ini don't understand, why my daugther refuses to come to her home during both thanksgiving and christmas.
we are trying to understand her beliefs, and keep an open mind.
we just want her to come and partake of being with her family....during these family times.
James Free
On many forums, new members are not able to start a new thread until they have an established post record. Simon, wouldn't that be a good idea fir JWD? 25 or 50 posts first? P.S. Any news on when JWD will work in Firefox, now used by 40%?
More Gilead goodies! - Advice for 'people from poor countries'
by sir82 inhere's the latest snippet of an e-mail from a friend of a friend in the current gilead class.
this is his recap of part of one of their lectures in class:.
...1 cor 7:17-24 speaks about .
James Free
my wife and her horrible communication skills
So learn Tagalog or even Taglish! And yes, the JW's here go to the poorest people full of promises of a better life - I am in a 'good' estate and they have not been here in a year!
But WHY don't they disfellowship bloodtakers ?
by aligot ripounsous inany jw knows that one of the very bad things that a christian must not do is accepting a blood transfusion.
respect for the sanctity of blood ranks highest, in jw theology, on the scale of christian standards, along with not being a murderer, an adulterer, a robber, etc.
in fact, it is the identifying feature of jws for the onlooker.
James Free
The WT is very deceitful, even dishonest, when the tell governments that they will not disfellowship but then disassociate instead. - The announcement is the sane and the shunning is the same!
Someone in Bethel who invented this scam must have looked very clever to the GB. But it IS dishonest, and cowardly, and reflects the style of their father, to paraphrase the words attributed to Jesus. -
God's Kingdom WILL eradicate all problems.
by hamsterbait inby destroying the starving millions.. by killing the millions who live in poverty.. by killing most people with incurable illnesses.. killing everybody who disagrees with the witchtower.. killing the desperate who turn to stealing to survive.. killing the desperate who turn to prostitution to survive.. killing those who are repelled at doing it with the opposite sex.. killing the rape victims who dodn't scream, and had an abortion rather than an inflicted birth.. killing the doctors who save lives by giving blood transfusions.. killing those who give blood to save lives.. it strikes me it is definitely run by the sort of psychopath that lives in crooklyn.. if you are a problem, then you must die.
James Free
Wouldn't it be funny if it turned out that EVERYBODY got everlasting life except for you? Somehow, everybody figured it all out, except YOU? Wouldn't that be a hoot? !!!
Why would it be funny for someone to die? You need to see a doctor, JCanon